Bakery deck ovens
About the product
The bakery deck oven is designed for baking pastries, bread and other dough products. These kind of ovens are usually used in small to medium-sized bakeries, but can often be found in large bakeries as well. The energy source for heating can be wood, oil, gas or pellet. The oven is equipped with annular steam tubes which provide heat. The proofing chamber is connected to the oven but has a separate heating system and separate temperature and humidity control. In the oven, the pastries are usually placed on pans while the bread is usually placed on oven loaders and then loaded into the oven directly onto the deck.
Our deck ovens are delivered with baking pans and oven loaders, as well as with a stainless steel rack trolley, which makes the handling of products inside the bakery easier and faster. Bakery deck ovens can have different numbers of decks as well as different dimensions of decks and therefore different capacities, that are given in the table below.
Technical information
1,2 x 1,4 m | 4 | 6,6 | 102 | 2,9 x 2,6 x 2,4 |
1,2 x 1,8 m | 4 | 8,6 | 136 | 2,9 x 3,0 x 2,4 |
1,2 x 2,0 m | 4 | 9,6 | 160 | 2,9 x 3,2 x 2,4 |
1,2 x 2,0 m | 3 | 7,3 | 120 | 2,9 x 3,2 x 2,1 |
1,8 x 1,8 m | 4 | 13,0 | 204 | 3,5 x 3,0 x 2,4 |
1,8 x 2,0 m | 4 | 14,4 | 240 | 3,5 x 3,2 x 2,4 |
1,8 x 1,8 m | 3 | 9,6 | 153 | 3,5 x 3,0 x 2,1 |
1,8 x 2,0 m | 3 | 10,8 | 180 | 3,5 x 3,2 x 2,1 |